A. |
The officers of the Association shall be a President, a 1st Vice-President, a 2nd Vice-President, a Secretary, and a Treasurer. |
B. |
These officers shall be and remain currently paid-up local, state, and national (Active) members as a condition for nomination to and service in their respective positions during their terms of office. |
C. |
These officers shall be elected by and from the Active membership of the Association. Such election shall be by open nominations and secret ballot |
D. |
Officers shall be elected for a term of 2 year(s), commencing on July 1st of any calendar year |
1. |
No person shall serve as a President continuously for a period in excess of three (3) terms |
2. |
The offices of President, 2nd Vice-President, and Secretary shall be elected in the Annual General Election for a term of service of two (2) years beginning on July 1 of even-numbered years. |
3. |
The offices of 1st Vice-President and Treasurer shall be elected in the Annual General Election for a term of service of two (2) years beginning on July 1 of odd-numbered years. |
E. |
A vacancy shall be deemed to exist in the case of death, resignation, or inability to serve in any of the offices of the Association. If there is a vacancy occurring in the office of the President, the 1st Vice-President shall assume the office. In the event a vacancy occurs, in the office of the 1st Vice-President, 2nd Vice-President, Treasurer, Secretary, or Segment Director a special election shall be held to elect successors to fill the unexpired terms. |
F. |
The President shall be the chief executive officer of the Association and its policy advocate. The President shall, subject to other provisions by these Bylaws. |
1. |
Preside at all meetings of the Association, the Representative Council and Executive Board; |
2. |
Prepare the agenda for the meetings of the Association, the Representative Council and Executive Board; |
3. |
Be the official spokesperson for the Association; |
4. |
Adhere to the governance documents of the Association, CTA, and NEA; |
5. |
Appoint all chairpersons and members of all committees with the approval by the Executive Board by the beginning of each school year; |
6. |
Appoint the chairperson and members of the Bargaining Team with the approval by the Executive Board by the beginning of each school year; |
7. |
Call meetings of the Association, Representative Council and the Executive Board; |
8. |
Propose the procedures for grievance processing for ratification by the Executive Board and the Representative Council; |
9. |
Suggest policies, plans and activities for the Association and be held responsible for the progress and work of the Association; |
10. |
Attend meetings of the Service Center Council of the which the Association is a part; |
11. |
Attend other CTA/NEA meetings as directed by the Representative Council, and |
12. |
Order the payment of funds as necessary. |
G. |
The 1st Vice-President shall: |
1. |
Serve as assistant to the President in all duties of the President; |
2. |
Assume the duties of the President in the absence of the President; |
3. |
Be responsible for the formation and distribution of the Association’s calendar of activities; and |
4. |
Serve as coordinator of committee activities at the direction of the President. |
H. |
The 2nd Vice-President shall |
1. |
Assist 1st Vice-President with oversight of committees; |
2. |
Develop and/or implement a process for membership involvement; |
3. |
Coordinate membership information for Association Representatives. |
I |
The Secretary shall: | ||
1. |
Keep a careful and accurate record of the proceedings of each meeting, regular or special, of the Association, Representative Council, and the Executive Board; |
2. |
Be responsible for the distribution of minutes, notice of meetings, and agendas for all meetings to members of the Representative Council and Executive Board; and to the membership when appropriate; |
3. |
Keep an accurate roster of the membership of the Association and of all committees; |
4. |
Carry on the correspondence pertaining to the affairs of the Association as directed by the President. |
J. |
The Treasurer shall: |
1. |
Receive all funds belonging to the Association and be responsible for their safekeeping and accounting; |
2. |
Pay out such funds upon orders of the President; |
3. |
Provide a written financial report for each regular meeting of the Representative Council and Executive Board; |
4. |
Be responsible for an annual audit of the books of the Association and distributing a summary of this audit to the membership; and |
5. |
Be responsible for submitting membership and financial reports to CTA, NEA, and other agencies as required by law |
Our Mission Statement:
"GGEA is an association of educators who advocate for the well-being of our membership and the students we serve."
Our Mission Statement:
"GGEA is an association of educators who advocate for the well-being of our membership and the students we serve."
Our Mission Statement:
"GGEA is an association of educators who advocate for the well-being of our membership and the students we serve."
Our Mission Statement:
"GGEA is an association of educators who advocate for the well-being of our membership and the students we serve."