Collective Bargaining Agreement |




Employees shall be required to be at their school site not more than thirty (30) minutes before their instructional time begins and not more than fifteen (15) minutes after their instructional time ends. Employees shall be on site outside of the regular instructional time for additional duties and responsibilities which require a unit member to be at the work site. This includes Back to School Night and Open House. Employees participating in District programs, which require them to be elsewhere may leave after their instructional time ends. Preparation periods are considered part of the instructional time. Bargaining unit members shall be entitled to a thirty (30) minute minimum, uninterrupted, duty-free lunch break.



Minimum days may be scheduled for any ESEA and/or School Improvement Plan (AB 65) related meetings that cannot be held within the work time as prescribed by Article 4.1, unless those meetings are held during school purchased released time.

Nothing in this article (4.1a) shall be construed to prevent the District from continuing its utilization of minimum days.


Collaboration - The purpose of collaboration time is for teachers to work together toward the improvement of student achievement. The District and the Association agree that all teachers, TK-12, will collaborate on a regular and ongoing basis. The teachers and administrators will mutually determine the topics for collaboration time. Of the total collaboration meetings, the Principal will determine topics for up to 25% of the meetings based on school-wide needs, with the remainder being mutually determined. Sites shall determine principal collaboration days no later than the first day of each quarter or trimester.

Collaboration Plans may include:

  1. Changing the daily instructional minutes as defined in Article 4.5 to bank time for shortened Wednesdays.

  2. Utilizing a portion of the minutes as defined in Article 4.1 to bank time for shortened Wednesdays

  3. Utilizing a portion of the hours allocated for staff meetings as stated in Article 4.3



The Collaboration Schedule will be mutually developed by site teachers and administrators. It will be approved by the majority of the teachers at each site via anonymous ballot. The ballots will be counted by the site administrator and one teacher designated by the teachers at the site. The schedule will be submitted by April 1 to the Assistant Superintendent of Elementary Education or Secondary Education for approval. No schedule will be approved that results in a reduction of annual instructional minutes. The site teachers and administrators will review the schedule annually. For schools collaborating weekly, four (4) collaboration days shall be used for individual teacher preparation. The scheduling of the days shall be mutually determined by the administrator and teachers at each school site.


Adjunct duties are those duties of supervising students for reasons other than instruction.



Employees shall be involved, through on-site discussions, in the identification and selection of their adjunct duties.



Adjunct duties shall be assigned by the immediate supervisor in a fair and equitable manner.


No more than twelve (12) hours of site staff meetings per year, beyond the times stated in Article 4.1, shall be required of an employee.



Should a site staff meeting become necessary during a school week, it shall normally be scheduled on a Wednesday.  Except under emergency situations, employees shall attend scheduled site staff meetings.  Under normal circumstances, the administrator who calls such meetings shall provide the employees with a tentative agenda for the meeting one day in advance. No more than one site staff meeting shall be held per day.



Professional development outside of Article 4.1 and Article 4.3 is voluntary, and shall be compensated in accordance with Article 12.3g.


Professional Development



The District and the Association agree that all employees should have equal access to quality professional development to learn new, and to improve current skills and educational strategies. To this end, the District and the Association shall work jointly to provide all employees the opportunity to participate in professional development programs, in accordance with appropriate state law and regulations.



The District and the Association agree that local school sites are frequently faced with many decisions which are best resolved through group contribution and involvement.  Individuals and groups involved in making decisions need to acquire, develop, and practice a variety of skills, including but not limited to: conflict management, problem solving, consensus decision-making, team building, communicating, and managing change.

Therefore, the District and the Association agree to work together to provide professional development and training in the aforementioned skills. Further, the District and the Association agree to consult on the best means to provide such training and to maintain continuing support and assistance to local school sites.


The instructional time required of employees shall be:




Regular Daily Minutes

Annual Minutes



State Pre-School






























K-12 Special School





The implementation of a staggered reading program in grades TK through 6 may exceed the instructional time specified in Article 4.5 with mutual agreement of the majority of the affected employees at the school and the school administra­tion.



The annual minutes of instruction for grades 1 through 6 as specified in Article 4.5 may be exceeded to modify the number of parent conferencing days, with the mutual agree­ment of the majority of the employees affected at the school and the school administration.



All teachers with students in Kindergarten classes including special education classes on a regular schedule shall receive instructional preparation time on one day at the end of the first trimester (one-third of the year) and one day at the end of the first semester (half-year).



All teachers with students in grades TK-6, including special education classes on a regular schedule, shall receive instructional preparation time on one day at the end of the first trimester (one-third of the year), one day at the end of the first semester (half-year), three release days to be scheduled by the Personnel Office, and no less than thirty (30) consecutive minutes per week, excluding the first week of school. All Educational Specialists teachers in grades 9-12 shall receive three release days per year.



Three IEP Preparation Days shall be provided to TK-6 SDC teachers, M/M and M/S, as well as SDC teachers at Mark Twain for the purposes of preparing for or to hold IEP meetings.



K-6 teachers who serve both M/M and RS students may choose (1) the 30 minute daily release time with one release day or (2) three release days.



One IEP Preparation Day shall be provided to TK-6 RS teachers for the purposes of preparing for or to hold IEP meetings.



Beginning in the 2018-2019 school year, TK-8 teachers shall be compensated at the rate of $150 per day in lieu of taking release days. (This provision does not apply to IEP Preparation days.)



Teachers in grades 7 and 8, including traveling music teachers and Special Day Class teachers, shall receive one release day at the end of the first trimester (one-third of the year), one day at the end of the first semester (half-year), and one day to be scheduled by the Personnel Office.



Teachers in classes in the TK-12 Special School and the Secondary Learning Center shall receive instructional preparation time of one (1) hour per week to be scheduled in no less than two (2) periods of thirty (30) consecutive minutes, excluding the first and last week of school.



Teachers in grades 1-6, in collaboration with their principal, may establish a flexible physical education program which exceeds the class size maximum in Article 9.4. The plan for the flexible physical education program must be submitted to the District for approval prior to implementation.



In recognition of time necessary to coordinate with other personnel, Resource teachers in grades TK-6 that do not have an assigned preparation period shall receive a minimum of 30 minutes, preferably consecutive, of preparation time daily. (All 7-8 Resource and M/M teachers shall receive one prep period daily). (The complete 7-8 prep time shall begin with the 2015-2016 school year).



Secondary M/S teachers, grades 7-12, shall have 30 minutes of weekly preparation time.


The District will allocate funding to provide 50 release days per year (TK-6: 25, and 7-12: 25) for mentor teachers to assist teachers who request help with their Limited English Proficient students.





TK-12 teachers, nurses, and librarians:



Total days taught




Total duty days




See Appendix H for 2022-2023 and 2023-2024 calendar




Adult Education – Total days taught; total duty days, and paid holidays: as specified in individual employment contracts. See Appendix J for 2023-2024 & 2024-2025 calendar.



State Pre-School


Total days taught


Total duty days


Paid holidays


See Appendix H for 2023-2024 and 2024-2025 calendar



Calendar Guidelines – Unless otherwise mutually agreed, the following guidelines will be used to establish the annual school calendars:


(1) K-12


OPENING DATES (See Appendices)

For Teachers

To be negotiated.

For Students

To be negotiated.



Labor Day

First Monday in September

Veterans' Day

November 11 (If November 11 is on a Saturday, the holiday will be Friday. If November 11 is on a Sunday, the holiday will be Monday.)

Thanksgiving Recess

Fourth Thursday in November and the following Friday

Winter Recess

Begins Monday prior to December 25. (If December 25 is on a Monday, the winter recess dates are subject to negotiations. If December 25 is on a Sunday, the recess is extended one day.)

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day

Third Monday in January

Lincoln Day

If February 12 falls on Sunday, Monday, or Tuesday, the holiday will be Monday. If February 12 falls on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, or Saturday, the holiday will be Friday.

Presidents Day

Third Monday in February

Spring Recess

Between the third and fourth quarters

Memorial Day

Last Monday in May

Local Holiday

To be negotiated

Program Close

To be negotiated



  • The two work days before the student start date

  • Last day of first trimester

  • Last day of first semester

  • Day following last day of classes




OPENING DAYS 2022-2023


For Full-Time Equivalent


Teachers Only

Monday, August 21, 2023

For Students

Monday, August 21, 2023


Same as TK-12. Holidays for which full-time adult education teachers will be paid are specified in individual employment contracts. Teachers must work the day before and the day after any holidays identified in order to be paid their daily rate for the holiday.


NON-STUDENT TEACHER DUTY DAYS (For Full-Time Equivalent Teachers on Duty)

  • Last day of first semester

  • Day following last day of classes



Paid Holidays - 9: (Labor Day, Veterans' Day, Thanksgiving Recess, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, Lincoln Day, Presidents Day, Memorial Day, and local holiday). Same dates as TK-12.




Our Mission Statement:
"GGEA is an association of educators who advocate for the well-being of our membership and the students we serve."

Our Mission Statement:
"GGEA is an association of educators who advocate for the well-being of our membership and the students we serve."

Our Mission Statement:
"GGEA is an association of educators who advocate for the well-being of our membership and the students we serve."

Our Mission Statement:
"GGEA is an association of educators who advocate for the well-being of our membership and the students we serve."