
Purpose of GGEA

GGEA is a vehicle through which teachers can join together to address common problems collectively. Decisions regarding what to do and how to do it are made democratically by members and their elected representatives. Specific goals are adopted annually by the Representative Council.

The GGEA has been recognized by the GGUSD as the exclusive employee organization representing teachers, librarians, and nurses. It has a legal obligation to provide fair representation to each of those employees in any matter involving employee-employer relations.

Specifically, GGEA...
- works to lead public education in a positive direction;
- works to make teaching a profession;
- works to protect and improve public education;
- consults with the District on curriculum and instructional issues;
- serves as a vehicle for problem solving;
- counsels members on matters related to their employment;
- provides legal assistance to members on employment-related matters;
- supports candidates or issues which support the teaching profession;
- provides assistance to community groups;
- bargains the employment contract;
- processes grievances related to that contract.

To provide the best possible service to members, the GGEA is incorporated as a non-profit employee organization. It employs a full-time professional staff person and maintains an office and two office secretaries. The elected president is released from teaching to work full time on Association business.

Meet Our Team

Sarah Held

(GGEA) President

Nicole Ciccarelli-Lund

(Lake) 1st Vice President

Donny Terranove

(Bolsa Grande) 2nd Vice President

David Cho

(Bolsa Grande) Treasurer

Raquel Manriquez

(Doig Intermediate) Secretary

Arquilla Howard

(Rancho Alamitos) H.S. Segment Director

Cork Snider

(La Quinta HS) H.S. Segment Director

Mike Godoy

(Alamitos) Int. Segment Director

Veronica Conklin

(Lake) Int. Segment Director

Steven Severance

(Paine) Elem. Segment Director

Stacy Carter

(Newhope) Elem. Segment Director

Christine Kirnbauer

(Excelsior) Elem. Segment Director

Dawn Floyd

(Clinton) Elem. Segment Director

Paul Kim

Executive Director

Jenny Gonzalez

Administrative Support